Opt-out of the Small Business Heat Loss Program

Please fill out the form below if you do not wish to receive information from National Grid about your business’ heat loss and would like to opt-out of this program. Note: the “code” field refers to the code you received from National Grid in a recent mailer or email.

Are you sure you want to opt out?

This Program is offered to you at no-cost by National Grid and can help you improve energy efficiency and indoor comfort while you run your business.

If you would like to stay in the Program, you can close this window! If you would like to opt out, continue to submit this form.


Your submission was successful! If you wish to rejoin, please contact us at ngridma@myheat.ca or 1-800-787-1706.

Are you sure you want to opt out?

There is No Cost
As a National Grid customer, there is no cost for you to access Heat Loss Insights through your unique online profile when the program is launched.

We respect your privacy
Heat Loss Maps do not reveal any personal or private information.

Your information is secure
Safeguarding the confidentiality of your information is of the utmost importance. MyHEAT uses industry-standard cybersecurity best practices to protect information.​

Designed to save energy and money
Heat loss information is only used by National Grid to help customers save energy and money.