201-1228 Kensington Rd NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3P7
Welcome to the HEAT Seat!
An interview series by MyHEAT where we explore the world of energy with remarkable individuals driving change.
Explore Recent Episodes
Ep 1: Equitable Electrification with McKenna Dunbar
McKenna Dunbar, Building Electrification Lead at Sierra Club's Virginia chapter, and all-round climate superstar, chats with James, Director of Growth at MyHEAT. In this discussion, McKenna shares their journey and deep commitment to environmental justice, focusing on energy efficiency and electrification for underserved communities, as well tackling climate grief and anxiety.
Ep 2: Limitless Program Design with Angie Ostaszewski
Join Angie Ostaszewski – Director of Strategy and Innovation at SEEL, and James, Director of Growth at MyHEAT, for this fun and informative conversation.
Angie is an award-winning leader in the clean energy secto, with a decade with experience at Ameren and New Buildings Institute, and now at SEEL as Director of Strategy and Innovation. Beyond this, Angie is a powerhouse of building community and safe spaces, inclusion and equity, and one of the most friendly people you will ever meet.
Ep 3: Understanding Community Needs with Yasmin Abraham
Yasmin Abraham is President and Co-Founder of Kambo Energy Group. In this upcoming episode, James and Yasmin discuss how to design utility energy programs for all communities with a community-first approach.
Yasmin shares her true feelings about "heard-to-reach" customers, and how to build trust to unlock program participation.
Do you know someone who should speak about their work in the energy sector on The HEAT Seat? Get in touch and let us know!
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