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Make Energy Efficiency a Part of Your Spring Cleaning To-Do List (Updated for 2022)
10 tips for saving energy from MyHEAT
Winter is over (hopefully!) and the days are getting longer and warmer. The start of a new season is a perfect time to think about your home’s energy efficiency and how you can adjust to the hot summer weather and prepare for the next cold winter.
We’ve put together some tips to help you get started. Some of these tips are easily incorporated into your routine, while others may take a little more time and effort. As you pack away your winter jacket and start to tackle spring cleaning, here is how you can make energy savings part of your spring cleaning checklist:

1. See where energy is escaping from your home
If you live in Edmonton, Airdrie or St. Alberta, you can find your address on the MyHEAT website and see your home heat loss profile. The heat loss map can help you see where your home may struggle to stay cool in summer and stay warm in winter. It can help you find opportunities to upgrade insulation and seal air leaks.
If you don’t live in one of these cities, we recommend you complete a home energy audit (in person or virtual) to help you identify where your home is losing heat and energy. This video explains what a home energy audit can do and how it works.
2. Upgrade your thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat can save up you up to 10% on heating and cooling costs each year. Better yet, use your windows to your advantage. If it cools off at night where you live, you can:
- Turn off your cooling system
- Open your windows while you sleep (lower temperatures also make it easier to fall asleep!)
- Close the windows in the morning to capture the cool air

3. Address air sealing for added savings
Make sure the harsh winter didn’t leave any gaps or cracks around your windows and doors. Feel around for air leaks with your hand or use incense to create a smoke stream – you’ll get the best results on a windy day. Seal air leaks with weatherstripping or a caulking gun.
4. Save water, save energy
Lower the temperature of your water heater and install low-flow shower heads. Installing a faucet aerator can also save you up to $20 a year!

5. Conduct an HVAC Checkup
Book a seasonal inspection of your heating and cooling systems. Replace air filters and clean any dust or debris away from your air conditioner, vents, and registers. Make sure that sure furniture isn’t blocking your air flow.
6. Beware of phantom loads – boo!
Did you know that many electronics are still using energy even when they are turned off? Use power bars for all electric equipment and save up to $100 a year by turning off the bar when the items are not in use.

7. Get the grill ready
Warm weather means outdoor cooking which is a great way to keep your kitchen cool. Clean the inside and outside of the grill, and then make sure to check the gas lines for holes or cracks. (Remember to invite us for a BBQ!)
8. Don’t forget the fridge
Keep refrigerator coils clean by removing dust and dirt buildup to promote air circulation which will reduce its energy consumption.

9. Upgrade your insulation
The weather may be warmer, but don’t forget those high utility bills that got you feeling blue last winter. Making sure that you have adequate insulation is important to minimize heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.
10. Find energy rebates
Finally, don’t forget to check out rebates for energy efficient home improvements that may be available in your area! Many utility providers and municipalities offer programs to help homeowners and businesses save money and energy.
Across Canada, residents and homeowners can now save up to $5,600 with rebates available through the Greener Homes Grant program.

For a detailed look at how you can save energy, we recommend contacting a professional home energy advisor to help you discover your best path to energy savings!
Written by:
Chelsea Froklage, Marketing & Design Lead at MyHEAT
Daygan Fowler, Energy Efficiency Program Manager at MyHEAT