201-1228 Kensington Rd NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3P7
Inspiring Local Change for a Better Global Future.
Creating a Culture of Sustainability
Building a culture that values environmental stewardship in the workplace and adopts corporate sustainability goals can be a difficult and slow task in many organizations. It doesn’t happen overnight.
To really grow as a team and benefit the planet, these values need to be an intrinsic part of corporate culture amongst employees. Ingraining a corporate culture cannot be driven from the top down so unless there is support and enthusiasm from employees, the meaning is lost.

When I joined MyHEAT last year, I was lucky enough to be welcomed into a company of like-minded people. Our team is a group of individuals who were drawn to the organization because they wanted to make a positive difference in the world and build a sustainable future. As a company, we understand the importance of being good stewards of the environment.
Since MyHEAT emerged from the academic world, inspiring local change for a better global future has been a part our vision. We offer a platform designed to motivate energy-saving actions in communities across the world and in turn, we encourage each other to work as a team to make the world a better place.

Additionally, our corporate culture, as MyHEAT’s CEO introduced in his blog post last month, is designed to empower employees, inspire creativity, and support initiative. We have a culture of getting things done. So when I approached the management team and staff with the suggestion that we spend an afternoon getting our hands dirty to put our words into action, everyone was ready to get involved.
MyHEAT has made a commitment to be more involved in our community to not just inspire, but lead local change. We may be starting small, but we are creating long-lasting habits amongst our employees and are building momentum as we grow, integrating our environmental mindset in our early stages so we can continue to thrive in years to come.

Help us Celebrate World Environment Day!
Our first event out in the community was a litter clean-up to celebrate World Environment Day. The MyHEAT team kicked off the week by helping to clean up our neighbourhood. We enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather and local wildlife in Calgary as we picked up garbage along the Bow River. We each collected 1.5 bags of litter for a total of 12 bags.
Thank you to the City of Calgary for offering free “The Litter Cleanup Kits” (TLC kits) to help make this happen! Live in Calgary? Learn how you can pick up your own kit.

Stay tuned! We have a few more events planned in the coming months as we continue to celebrate World Environment Day and this year’s effort to tackle air pollution.
Written by:
Daygan Fowler, Energy Efficiency Program Manager