201-1228 Kensington Rd NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3P7
The Top 5 Myths of Thermal Imagery

In this post, we address the top 5 most myths surrounding thermal imagery. In short - thermal imagery isn't an x-ray and CAN drive behaviour change!
201-1228 Kensington Rd NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3P7
In this post, we address the top 5 most myths surrounding thermal imagery. In short - thermal imagery isn't an x-ray and CAN drive behaviour change!
Find out how we can collect thermal data for homes from an aircraft 4,000 feet in the air and then use machine learning to get an accurate measure for thermal efficiency.
Using Customer-Specific Information to Offer a Personalized Experience Customers give utilities roughly 10 minutes of…
Creating a Tool to Visualize Waste Energy The story goes that one day Dr. Geoffrey…
Creating a Culture of Sustainability Building a culture that values environmental stewardship in the workplace…
10 tips for saving energy from MyHEAT Winter is over (hopefully!) and the days are…
An Energy Efficiency Company Designed to Benefit Employees, Customers and Shareholders. The world wastes more…
Promoting Energy Literacy by Visualizing Home Heat Loss The understanding of how energy is used…
A bird’s-eye view with Energy Made Visible™ Imagine if you could see an aerial map…