Tag Visualizing Energy Loss


An aerial heat loss map of a home showing areas of heat loss in red and blue

FLIR vs MyHEAT for Identifying Home Heat Loss Thermal imaging technology has proven to be a game-changer in various industries. Its applications range from home heat loss and energy efficiency to law enforcement, wildlife research, electrical inspections, firefighting, and even…

Building a Utility of the Future

At Saint John Energy, we are driven by a passion for innovation. We’re on a mission to build the Utility of the Future for our customers. We want them to benefit from advanced products and services that make their lives easier and more comfortable.

That’s why we are excited to be able to partner with MyHEAT to offer them a bird’s-eye view of the heat they are losing from their homes.

Energy Efficiency as a Resource

The Power of Getting More from Less The energy we save is the cheapest, cleanest, and most reliable source of energy.  When considered as a resource, energy efficiency can yield savings that can displace the need for new generation from…

Understanding Energy Loss at Home

Promoting Energy Literacy by Visualizing Home Heat Loss The understanding of how energy is used and the ability to apply this knowledge is known as energy literacy. Increasing energy literacy amongst consumers and motivating homeowner action towards efficiency upgrades remains…